Gift Ideas for Grandparents on Grandparents’ Day 

Grandparents’ Day is celebrated on July 26, the feast day of Jesus’ grandparents, Sts. Joachim and Anne! While there are many ways to maintain a relationship with grandparents, whether they are near or far, what can we do to celebrate them on this special holiday? Take a seat! Gather your children! Get your creative minds working! We’re sharing six gift ideas for grandparents to honor and celebrate them.

  • Handmade Card: Starting with a classic, grandchildren can write and draw a greeting card for their grandparents. The care and thoughtfulness will surely bring joy to the recipients. Stuck on an idea or not sure what to put on the cover? Take a walk through the greeting cards section of a convenience store to get inspiration and then recreate it on your own!
  • Baked Treat: Requiring some research, grandchildren can get creative in the kitchen by making their grandparents’ favorite baked treat. To add a little pizazz to the gift, present it in a stylized box or bag.
  • Framed Painting: Any artists in the family? Grandchildren can use different mediums, paints, and materials to create a unique piece of artwork to frame for their grandparents. If they know their grandparents’ favorite activity or hobby, children can produce a piece of art with the activity as their theme.
  • Homemade Coupon Book: Everyone loves a good coupon book to redeem or to look back on with fond memories. Coupon vouchers could be anything from mowing the lawn, washing the car, and odd jobs around the house to being redeemable for time to play a card game, dinner out at a restaurant, or going to a sporting event. Need more ideas? This resource has over 30!
  • Memory Jar: This activity may take a little more time and may require some planning, but making a memory jar for grandparents is a special way to honor them. The memories can be written on colored sheets of paper, folded, and placed in a jar for grandparents to view on their own time. It is a wonderful gift to reflect on the impact they have had on their grandchildren while bringing a smile to their faces.
  • Video of Grandchildren: Geared more for older grandchildren with a knack for technology, they can make an interview-style video of family members and their fondest memories of their grandparents. By incorporating pictures and music, it becomes a time capsule for generations to view later.

While this list does not exhaust all the possibilities of gift ideas for grandparents, it does provide a starting point to help your children get creative with honoring and celebrating their grandparents!
